One of the main goals of bodybuilding is gaining muscle mass, and most bodybuilders like reach this goal quickly and effectively. There are many factors to consider when looking to maximize your muscle gain including specific supplements as well as proper timing and dosage. You could be taking all the right supplements but if you’re taking them at the wrong time, you may not see or feel any results. In this guide we will share the best supplements for maximum muscle gain, what they are, why you need them, proper timing, and recommended dosage. Are you ready?

What Is It?
Having a goal and sticking to it is important, but it’s equally as important to not lose sight of other things that matter. For example, multivitamins. When creating a diet that’s strictly based on increasing your muscle mass, it’s easy to lose sight of the necessary vitamins, nutrients, and minerals your body needs to remain healthy. Vitamin deficiencies can lead to hindered growth and get in the way of your normal body functions. Deficiencies often arise in times of bulking which is why we made making a top notch multivitamin the first recommended supplement on our list.
We need vitamins and minerals. Minerals are building blocks that create cellular actions, build strong bones, transport nutrients and more. Vitamins provide enzyme related functions that help us digest food and protect our bodies from internal and external damage. If we don’t keep our mineral and vitamin levels at a certain level, problems can arise. We need them to maintain wonderful health and keep our bodies functioning properly so that we can achieve our muscle gaining goals!
Our bodies know what they need. The best multivitamins contain at least 100% of the FDA minimum necessary daily amounts to keep us deficiency free. Our bodies handle these vitamins and minerals differently, depending on what they need. For example, large amounts of calcium can affect the way our stomachs absorb magnesium, zinc, and iron. Our bodies love calcium because we need it to remain healthy, but if there’s a deficiency with one of the other mentioned vitamins, our bodies will make up for it and get more.
Why You Need It:
The human body just loves multivitamins. We eat them up! Just about everyone should be taking them, but if you’re looking to gain muscle, you need them even more. A proper multivitamin will handle all of the categories you’re not focusing on!
Dosage & Timing:
One pill with 100% of the daily recommended vitamin dosage is what doctors recommend.
Multivitamins should be taken once a day. Timing is not a big deal but most people take them in the morning, after breakfast, to help avoid a deficiency throughout the day.
Whey Protein:
What Is It?
Whey protein is a rapid acting milk protein. It can help increase rates of protein synthesis by delivering amino acids to your muscles. This gets the anabolic process into motion.
Why You Need It:
Bodybuilders need whey protein in their diets because it’s proven to improve performance as well as helping gain muscle mass. Whey protein provides our bodies with a high amount of protein that can help kick start the muscle growing process…which is the whole goal!
Dosage & Timing:
Whey protein is most effective when taken at or before breakfast due to our catabolic state when sleeping. While we’re sleeping, our bodies enter a catabolic state because we go 8-9 hours without food. During this state, our bodies want to turn our muscles into fuel to keep us going. Consuming 20 to 30 grams first thing in the morning will keep your muscles strong and present.

Plant-Based Protein:
What Is It?
Plant based protein supplements are packed with protein from whole foods rather than dairy, such as creatine, whey, etc. While you don’t need to be a vegan or lactose intolerant to consume plant based protein, most users tend to be one of the two. Plant based protein can come from soy, pea protein, rice, and many other protein dense vegetables.
Why You Need It:
Bodybuilders swear by protein supplements because they help us gain muscle mass as well as improve our physical performance. High amounts of protein help kick start the muscle growing process as well as give us enough energy to get through high intensity workouts.
Dosage & Timing:
It is best to consume plant based protein before or during breakfast due to our catabolic state when sleeping. The recommended dietary allowance for plant based protein for adults is 0.8 grams per kilogram of bodyweight. Depending on how much protein you get in your diet daily from other foods, this amount can be adjusted. Consuming the proper amount of plant based protein first thing in the morning will keep your muscles strong.
What Is It?
Creatine is an all natural compound that can regenerate ATP stores in the body. ATP, which stands for adenosine tri-phosphate, is the main source of energy currency in the body. When short term anaerobic energy is produced, the ATP splits into ADP, which stands for adenosine-diphosphate as well as an extra phosphate ion. Creatine can recycle the ADP into ATP again. This allows a short burst of energy that can increase strength levels up to at least 20%.
Creatine also retains water. This means that for every bit of creatine stored in your cells, a hefty amount of water is also stored. This temporary size increase is great, but the stored water also attracts more nutrients in the cells which can lead to long term muscle growth.
Why You Need It:
So what we’re saying here is if you’re looking to gain muscle, creatine is always a good idea. You need creatine while growing muscle because it promotes energy, increases strength, increases your size, and draws more nutrients to your cells. Pretty good deal, right?
Dosage & Timing:
When looking to buy a creatine supplement, it’s important to really read the label. Many of the supplements on the market contain a lot of sugar. No one loses weight by increasing their sugar intake. It’s important to find a highly reviewed and micronized brand that offers top quality creatine monohydrate.
It’s best to slowly increase the amount of creatine you consume when first starting out. Doing so will saturate the areas surrounding the cells and allow more to be absorbed during homeostasis. Also, in the first few days, much more is absorbed. For fast gains, experts recommend loading with 3 doses of 7 grams evenly spread out for 5 full days. After the fifth day, creatine should be taken in 2 daily doses of 5 grams for 6-10 weeks. This should be followed by a 4 week break to give the receptors a chance to upgrade again. This is confusing, we know. But creatine can be a great way to gain muscle when taken properly!
As discussed, creatine is taken throughout the day. Aside from that, the last dose of creatine should be taken immediately after a workout and a post workout shake should be taken half an hour later.
Beta Alanine:
What Is It?
Beta-Alanine is a non-essential amino acid. This means that it can be found naturally in our bodies and we don’t need food to have it provided to us. However there is nothing wrong with getting a little help, especially if you are bodybuilding. When exercising heavily, our bodies are quickly depleted of nutrients. When our bodies recognize Beta-Alanine, we convert it to other chemicals that affect our muscles in a positive way.
Why You Need It:
Beta-Alanine is most commonly used for improving your athletic performance, building lean muscle mass, increasing exercise capability, and improving physical functions. This is why mixing some Beta-Alanine into your shaker bottle can give you results you’ll have to tell everyone at the gym about.
Dosage & Timing:
It is recommended to take 306 grams of Beta-Alaneine 30 minutes prior to working out.

Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs):
What Are They?
BCAA’s or branched chain amino acids are most commonly known for their anabolic and anti-catabolic properties. The three similar amino acids the term refers to are – Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine. Muscles cannot grow without protein and proteins consist of 20 different amino acids. Each amino acid has a different effect on our bodies and we focus on each one for different reasons. Leucine, isoleucine, and valine are the amino acids associated with BCAA that help us increase muscle growth and delay fatigue, as well as a few other benefits. Isoleucine is used for increasing glucose levels in the cells. Leucine is used to improve muscle protein synthesis. Valine is necessary for protein intake and is crucial for health and growth.
Why You Need It:
BCAA’s can be found in any foods that contain protein, such as eggs and meat. However, supplements are created to give us the extra push we need. BCAA’s are important for anyone growing muscle. They are crucial for lovers of strict workouts and muscle mass gains.
Dosage & Timing:
Many doctors say that BCAA dosages are based upon workout goals as well as diet. Some people decide to intake the different BCAA’s separately. However, a dosage of 20 grams of combined BCAA, with a balanced ratio of leucine and isoleucine is recommended. BCAA supplements are consumed in either pill or powder form. The powder is mixed with a liquid.
It is best to take BCAA before and during a workout to give you the best possible results. This is because BCAA enters the body much faster than any other amino acids. They actually account for 90% of the sum amino acid intake within the three hours post meal time. The supplements should be taken within 30 to 60 minutes after an intense workout. This will help with muscle regeneration as well as create premium anabolic conditions.
What Is It?
Glutamine is a non-essential amino acid that can be found naturally in our diets. It can be found in foods such as beef, chicken, fish, eggs, dairy products, cabbage, beans, beets, and more. However, sometimes these foods just aren’t enough. Especially if you don’t eat animal products.
Why You Need It:
Glutamine is popular in the bodybuilding world because its of positive effects on the body. It supports the production of muscle, supports and regulates the immune system, is used as an alternate fuel source for the brain, supports and regulates the dietary system, and much more! It removes excess ammonia as well as regulates your body’s acid-base balance. Glutamine will not drastically change your body or workout regime like some other the other supplements we have discussed, but if you’re doing some intense exercising you can definitely benefit from taking this supplement.
Dosage & Timing:
The recommended dosage for glutamine is 20-30 grams. For the best results, take glutamine 30 minutes prior to working out.

What Is It?
Caffeine is supposed to be bad for you, right? Nope! Caffeine supplements actually have a long list of benefits when taken in the correct dosages at the right times. Caffeine is actually a staple ingredient in most dietary pills and supplements because it can aid in fat loss.
Why You Need It:
Caffeine can aid in gaining muscle by helping you lose fat as well as increasing your energy levels for longer and more intense workouts. Caffeine helps you lose fat by boosting your metabolism. Taking caffeine jumpstarts your lipolysis process. This process helps your body release fatty acids into your bloodstream. During this process your body breaks down the fat stores and converts it to energy. In simpler terms, caffeine helps you burn fat by boosting your metabolism.
Another way that caffeine can aid in fat loss is by giving you a necessary energy boost. You probably already guessed this one. That’s why we drink coffee in the morning, right? Caffeine is a stimulant that increases alertness, keeps drowsiness away, and helps you perform longer, no matter what you’re doing,. This means that you will be able to spend more time exercising which will help you gain muscle.
Dosage & Timing:
Caffeine can be taken in many forms including pills, drinks such as coffee, tea, and energy drinks, certain foods, and shampoos/soaps. However, since we’re discussing ingesting caffeine for specific results, it’s best to take a pill or a standardized liquid so that you can have a valid form of measurement.
For the best results, take caffeine supplements one hour prior to working out or exercising.
The recommended daily dosage for caffeine is 150-300 milligrams.
Fish Oil:
What Is It?
Fish oil is an extremely beneficial supplement for bodybuilders. Fish oil can be consumed in two ways. One is to eat fish and the other is to take pills. Fish that are especially rich in beneficial oils — omega-3 fatty acids — are mackerel, herring, tuna, salmon, cod liver, whale blubber, and seal blubber. Fish oil was created in pill form to fill the gaps in people’s diets who either don’t eat fish or don’t eat enough of it. It’s simple, gets the job done in one pill, and has some serious perks.
When taking fish oil, you are aiming to intake as much omega-3 fatty acids as possible. Two of the most important fatty acids in fish oil are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Fish oil is FDA approved to lower triglyceride levels.
Why You Need It:
Bodybuilders swear by fish oil because of its aid in post workout recovery. Fish oil is proven to reduce inflammation, reduce joint pain, boost your immune system, and much more. While fish oil does not directly increase muscle mass, it does make the process much smoother.
Dosage & Timing:
The recommended and scientifically studied dose for fish oil is a 1,000 mg dose each day. It is best to take fish oil in the morning. Treat fish oil as you would a multivitamin and take it after your first meal, before you get your day started.